Following his recent Las Vegas romp, many are wondering, “what Prince Harry is up to?” The pictures of Prince Harry having a good time with some friends in Vegas, and not wearing much, have been blasted all around the world.
Our thought is perhaps Prince Harry is experiencing “the Dream Idol effect.” The Dream Idols have taken the world by storm by breaking the boundaries of what a strip group should be, which as is turns out at least with the Dream Idols, is a lot more than stripping; it is touching a diverse group of lives in a positive manner.
The Dream Idols motto is, “make everyone feel good.” They go out of their way to make people happy; not just one particular, stereotypical demographic. Unlike other groups or acts of this nature there are real personalities present; real, approachable individuals that everyone can relate to. One only has to look at their last video, “Call Me Maybe,” to see that these gentlemen can engage a broad audience without taking themselves too seriously; they see the beauty in everyone and in each experience – and it is visible not only in their action, but in the reaction of those they are entertaining.
The fact that the Dream Idols take their clothes off has not drawn the majority of their fan base. It is who they are as individuals, how they work together as a group, and how they interact with everyone, that has caused them to become one of the fastest growing acts of their kind in the UK for quite some time. Only on the scene for a few months, they are already being referred in many areas as either, “The Spice Boys,” or, “The New Monkies.”
It cannot be denied that Prince Harry had a good time and some shmuck got his/her camera phone out and decided to make a quick buck. However, Prince Harry, just like anyone else, has a right to have a little fun. He is, in fact, just a young lad much like the Dream Idols and spends much of his time extending his kindness and generosity to his country and to others with grace and great sincerity. Less we forget his sterling efforts for the much heralded London Olympic Games.
The Dream Idols do what they can to bring a little fun and joy to people … and they take their clothes off. Prince Harry extends an enormous amount of time helping others and every now and then gets caught with his pants down. Although not certain if Prince Harry would ever consider joining the Dream Idols or doing a show with them, one has to really stop and ask, “would that be such a bad thing?” The Dream Idols have taken the sleaze out of strip and made it a truly uplifting experience for everyone at a time when, let us just be honest, we all need a means for another smile or bit of laughter.
Not being experts by any means, but it seems as though there might be too much emphasis placed on the negativity of all of this rather than the positive, and real aspect of the fact that we are, all of us, looking for balance in our lives. Young men will be young men. Do we judge them on the sum total of what they do and who they are, or on one or two blips? One can argue the pros and cons of a Prince of the realm and certain behaviors or perhaps naivety, additionally, one can argue the pros and cons of acts like the Dream Idols all day long. But one cannot argue that both do monumental great things for people; particularly Prince Harry. Therefore, perhaps this should all be reflection of the fact that we are all human
For more information on the Dream Idols goto